Saturday, 16 January 2010

Not sure if you're on Shawna's list but you MUST
read her message below, you're not going to believe it.

-------- FROM SHAWNA --------

Hey guys!

Wow people are buying my DVD sets like crazy... this is my
first time ever releasing a product that shares my bedroom
secrets and it's so exciting! And check this out!

I just received this email from someone who tried out the
techniques in my "positions" report and gave his girl multiples
for the first time!

Here's the story, read for yourself!

"Hi Shawna,
I have what may be one of your first success
stories. I'm so excited, I just gave my
girlfriend multiple or.gasms for the first
time. I've always had good sex with my
girlfriend, but I always thought she wasn't
multi-orgas.mic. Every time after she came she
asked me to stop and willingly did so and
was happy, I made her get off, job well done
right? Just last night I put her on her
stomach, with the pillows under her hips/
abdomen, the way you said to in your report.
I made her come quickly, doing what you
described but as she came I slowed down then
made her come again! I made my girlfriend do
things she didn't know she could do and now
she and I are both happy and I'm hoping I can
learn to give her 3 or 4 org.asms

Thanks Shawna!

-Vincent G."

I am so sooo happy that guys are using my stuff to
make girls squirm! I can tell you from experience
that giving a girl multiple org.asms for the first
time is a lot of fun =)

It's also kinda exciting that he was able to
do this just using what I shared in the report.
The DVDs have a hundred times as many secrets!
There are gonna be some happy girls out there,

If you haven't got your copy yet, make sure
you go to this link and get it NOW before they
are sold out... I guarantee you're gonna love

Click Here For A Peak At What's Inside The DVDs



P.S. I can't even begin to tell you how exciting
it is for me to hear about guys having AMAZING
sex using my techniques... so after you get the
DVDs and try this stuff out with your girl please
write me and tell me all about it! It's taken me
a looooong time to learn all of this stuff but
fortunately I've done all of the work for you...
you'll be giving your girl multiples and even
squirting org.asms the very first night you try
this stuff out, just wait and see! When she's
clawing at your back begging you for more make
sure you think of me and smile =)

Here's the link:

Two Girls Teach Sex

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