Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Welcome to 2010!

I predict that this year there will be a major shift in how society perceives social interaction.

The biggest reason is we're going huge here at the Co. and it's our job to enlighten people. (later this week I'm going to share with you some amazing stories of what happened when 10 of our instructors and G12 students invaded Paris for New Years, photos included :)

Women will pay attention. Most men won't.

But, there will be increased competition in the dating pool as more men skill up.

In fact it seems like increasingly society is becoming aware of it's own problem.

For example, go rent "500 Days of Summer" (it's out on iTunes etc.) - that's actually a highly realistic Hollywood portrayal of what really goes on.
(go watch the movie and then read my p.s. below).

So, how do you stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly enlightened environment?

Bottom line, those that are conscious that there is a problem or simply aware of what's going on... doesn't even remotely make them good at doing it.

For example, being aware that there are notes, and theory in music doesn't actually make you a good musician.

To be a good musician you have to implement.

And, since very few people will drink the Kool Aid(even though I'm making it available to practically everybody) you can get started now and always be ahead.

In the upcoming "Accelerated Attraction SystemTM" there are over 60 teases, 30 projections, 30 PureKinoTM routines, fully half of them never even before revealed at live events.

That's a mind expanding 3600 possible combinations (not counting variants).

But, you still need to just do ONE correctly.
(if you pre-ordered the AAS then you will get it way before the actual Feb launch in two separate shipments)

So, what can you do to get the skill set going now...

Join the g12 training program here http://www.g12system.com/
(were doing 15 day trials for Jan, 2010 - space is whacky limited - we teach you how to use AAS)

- or become one of our coaches (apps open again through the 15th - if you want a full time job you can have one - they pay $72,000 on average) - Check it out here

- Or get the 10ssa System here

- or if you want to start at lowest cost get the GTG Collectors set here

- or work on your inner game with Hypnotica's Ultimate Inner Game here

- or take a live event with me or one of our ninja coaches here

- or check out what we are offering in one place here

Bottom line, if you're not clicking on one of the links above and taking action then you're going to get eaten by a giant super volcano in the upcoming apocalypse. It's the new year and you need to take action. I know its difficult for some, I've been there, but if you do nothing....


P.S. Thanks for all the notes of appreciation for the free transcripts we released on the blog. Joz spent a ton of time on those to make sure they were perfect and you guys loved them.
P.P.S If you pre-ordered the AAS - the new warehouse is online and we'll be emailing you to get your bonus insiders out to you in the next few days.
P.P.P.S Here are my notes on "500 Days of Summer": If there ever was a Hollywood film that depicted the battle between the matrix and reality accurately it's this movie. She's reality, but reality still wants to believe in fate, even though the facts are against it. That ending scene is perfect. The whole movie - it's all realistic other then she picked him up. The whole ikea role-play was right out of a PU book. Women and people only respond to value not semi religious faith based beliefs in Santa Claus To see the light you have to hit bottom. The facts are all there right before us, yet hardly anyone wakes up - the funny thing is that people see the evidence all the time yet don't correct their behavior. The difference between those that do and those that don't is whether love and fate are your personal mere hopes or your personal religion.

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