Tuesday, 15 December 2009

You,'re probably thinking ... WTF!

WTF? Mehow was supposed to get me new infield footage that showed how his new AAS system levitates women off the floor today but instead...

I get an email about $72,000.

No worries, everybody calm down. The $72,000 and the new infield video are ... RELATED.

The Infield Video I'm about to link for you is of one of our Master Instructors, Royce - doing a new, never before captured Accelerated Attraction System stack along with a Mehow original routine that I'm sure none of you have ever seen before. Anyway the girls freak out ...

But, before we get to that lets talk MONEY.

Here is the bottom line folks.

The doors have been blown off our marketing engine. It's going 200 MPH almost literally.

At the present rate, I will have employed full time all of the instructors available from our Mehow Certified Instructor (MCI) program within about 10 weeks.

Yup, in 10 weeks, I will humbly have to pretty much stop marketing our insane live products and workshops because I will be out of instructors.

So, what's all this have to do with $72,000?

SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS is the average compensation of the average MCI graduate.

(results not typical)

Of course I'm not going to tell anyone how I'm doing this ... only 3 people in the whole world know besides me, but I can tell you that the current estimated compensation of the average MCI graduate that has been teaching full time for 3 months is $72,000/year.

To cover my ass with the FTC as to the income claim, I have to say:

(results not typical)
(results not typical)

However, just so you know I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, I promise you this - in about 3 months we're getting a 3rd party audit done to get a really accurate company valuation going and as part of that I'm going to have them verify that indeed our instructors make bank like I'm stating. And then I'm going to publish those results to you. Btw, many of you will make more money than that, many less, and you can do part time or full time or over time but I digress...

The story on my end actually is far worse then the 10 week cliff I just told you about ...

When I don't have an instructor on staff teaching, I lose about roughly twice the cost of your MCI training tuition in gross revenue. For those of you that know the MCI tuition cost and can multiply times two know that .. HURTS.

So bottom line, I need more instructors and I need them now.

So, if making $$ while helping men and picking up hot girl after hot girl is something you want to do...

Just watch Royce's AAS+MCI demo... available here
(yes, thats her boyfriend that shows up after Royce MANHANDLES her)

After all he is not only demonstrating some killer game, but also he is living the life of a professional coach as I'm describing here.

So, while you're there fill out an MCI instructor application and start your 2010 off RIGHT.

We're taking applications through next Sunday the 20th - and everything will move fast. It generally takes at least 6 months to 2 years to train a pro coach - so we need to get started yesterday. Please save me from having to poach instructors from the competition ...

Go here and watch the AAS vid and apply here - http://www.mehow.tv/mcip/
(applications are limited to regions and processed on a first come, first served basis)

Finally, one point about this footage you're seeing today - this is Royce on an off night, this is normal training footage he sent to us as part of his training program. This footage was never taken with publication in mind. This is what we do here at Mehow, Inc. every day. Yes, that's how high quality our *training* footage is. Yes, Royce is that good. Yes, I've seen Royce pull freaking hot girls to his wing's car for $#! within 20 minutes of meeting them. Yes, not only is his infield ability paranormal but he is also going to be one of your coaches if you're in the MCI program.

Yes, Mehow SHOW me the application

Like I freaking told you earlier in the week - I was going to hit you with the value like a train this week. I'm swinging the freaking' sword ...

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