Wednesday, 10 February 2010

About the MCI deadline.

So, I totally forgot a week ago, when I first wrote to you about this round of MCI recruiting, that yesterday was the Super Bowl.

No, I'm not a giant sports fan.
(I confess - I watched the game start to finish and liked it though.)

But, a bunch of guys wrote me telling me what a bad day Sunday was for guys that we're looking at the MCI program at the last minute.

So I said... you're right, mea culpa, that was a bone head thing for me to do.

So, due to all the guys that wrote in about the deadline, we moved it to today, Monday at Midnight PST.

Get your application here going here -

You guys can also thank Danica Patrick.

Even though New Orleans won the super bowl as they should have...
(that city really needed a moral victory after Katrina)

... I thought the real winner was Danica. She had, I think, 4 commercial spots total.

So, respect to her for being a HB6 ...
But winning lots of car races.
(lets be honest guys, the other girls in her commercials are way hotter then she is, and she really seems to have wooden personality to boot) ...

She's the only "model" I know that models despite a pretty thorough lack of actual hotness or personality. Instead she does it because of success thats got nothing to do with hotness.
(unlike all the tennis player girls that don't win any tournaments)

So maybe one day, I can be a "model" too. LOL.

She's so good at driving race cars she'd probably be in all the same superbowl commercials even if she was a fatty. Since they now have her racing NASCAR on top of Indy should could possibly put on a ton of weight and still win races. So respect.

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