Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Whoa: Mehow on No Rejection Daygame Openers! NEW Bonus Too‏

The surprises this week just keep on rolling...

In a second I'm going to give you some really tight advice that you can use today for opening in daygame situations. I've been working on daygame for the last year and the new Accelerated Attraction System (AAS) is chalk full of it (including a half day seminar just on daygame!).

Before we get to the juicy daygame value I have to remind you:

The AAS launch closes TOMORROW at MIDNIGHT PST. After it's done it's done. And you don't want to miss out on the insane bonuses.
also as part of my support for all you guys that really believe in improving you inner game... I'm throwing in a new bonus: "7 Approach Anxiety Eliminators" download as part of the AAS package. It's 7 of my tightest anti anxiety tools that I use in field myself on the rare occasion that a student flips out with AA.

Like I keep saying, once your performance is really good, most of your AA will disappear... but in case it doesn't I'm giving you the best tools to deal with it.

Ok, let's talk daygame.

The best daygame openers are:

a) seemingly situational
b) high value velocity

Making it look situational helps remove any weirdness factor and the value velocity sticks it.

That's the magic combination.

A great example of one, credit Royce, one of our genius master coaches, right out of the AAS system if she's wearing anything that looks like fur:

You: “OMG missy, what did you kill for that?”

HB: “No, it’s a fox”

You: “Wait… Is that Fluffy? Wasn’t she just hopping around the back garden three days ago… you’re so evil!”


You: “That’s the last time I let you play with any of my pets… and to think I was going to show you my snake later.”

The big secret to all this isn't to actually be situational all the time but just seem like it. There are actually a ton of openers you can reuse in a ton of different situations over and over again NOT because they are truly situational but just because they FIT most situations.

We're getting really deep into daygame in the AAS launch, so if you want more you need to get in on it before tomorrow's deadline expires.

Watch the video and get it here

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