Thursday, 19 August 2010

NEW Infield Video That's Proving EVERYBODY Wrong

OK - so we have something BIG, gigantic... coming at you this week.

Not only do I have some insane new content coming at you but its also coming at you in a revolutionary new format.

But, let me back up a bit ...

For years many other people have claimed that our night technology (Accelerated Attraction System(tm) aka soundbite stacking, PureKino,)

- Can't work in the daytime at all
- And, can't work on hot girls working at Abercrombie (aka hired guns)
- And, you definitely can't use big kino moves, a.k.a PureKino(tm) in the day time

On top of a ton of people claiming that they are the daygame experts and that their stuff is the best.

blah, bla ...

And, I can certainly tell you that we have seen some seriously impressive daygame guys get on tape and show us some really tight game.

But for a while now there have been secret Mehow fans that have been ignoring the critics and using our technology in the daytime. The first guy was a fellow from Japan that pinged me about 3 years ago. A few of them even worked for other PU companies. They respected our methods and kept their daygame a secret.

So, I always knew that our stuff wasn't just applicable to night game. But this year it finally came time to take those "hints" and actually field test them and develop OUR official new daygame methods.

And when we finally got around to that, our methods were so effective (with some really important alterations) that within a matter of a few months we had the most killer DAYGAME methods ever devised, field tested and then documented on tape. The technology was so awesome that it actually only took us 2 weeks of experimentation to figure out the core of it. Things happened with the girls ... really fast.

But, I'm not going to talk any smack about how awesome this new footage and technolgoy I'm about to release is ...

Instead, in a few days I'm just going to let you see for yourself.
(featuring an crazy new pua you probably didn't know existed, using our new insanley systematic and wildly effective techniques, in the daytime in ways you didn't think were possible, in a format that's completely new)

Bottom line, we can get you the same incredibly consistent results our methods produce at night in the daytime.

So, stay tuned to your email around Wensday-ish - because I'm about to PROVE IT ALL to you.

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