Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Been Blueprinted? <=== Secret Solution. . .‏

Do you know the secret for "she blueprints" (This
is how to not lose a girl that's super into you)?

Let's backup.

As you know, Mehow here, and I hope you had
a very merry x-mas and are having a great

Today's message will help you understand what
to do for (and how to get) girls that are
super, super into you. This is much harder then you
would imagine! (It can be harder then when she
is only luke warm, which is almost shocking!)

Just because the girl has flipped out and
has gotten totally crazy for you, doesn't
mean you'll have it easy.

Before explaining that, let's make sure
you understand the signs of when this is
starting to happen...

- She IOIs you a ton

- She follows you around the club

- She bounces out of the club with you

- She goes for insta dates during the daytime

- In general, she's pretty flat out aggressive
about wanting to get with you (and making no
bones about it)

Again, we call this 'blueprinting' - because
it's as if she found the 'blue print' for her
ideal man...and that man is you!

This happens sometimes while you're 'in the field.'
(See the bottom part of this email to understand
how you can get an unfair advantage on having
this to happen all the time (A Ton!)), guys usually make a giant mistake
when they have a girl that's 'blueprinted'.

They assume that because she so into them that
"the close" is going to be simple and easy.

The reality is quite the opposite.

Anytime a girl circumvents her own psychology
that prevents her from acting too sluttttty, she
builds up what we call "buyer's remorse" because
things are moving too/so quickly.

("Buyers Remorse" is when someone acts rashly,
typically doing something emotional that is
quicker then what they are used too. This
definitely applies to women and shagging.)

Women never want to be perceived as being

Either by others or by themselves...

...the problem is when they act to quickly,
because they really, really like you...they
often feel even slutttttier...which makes that
ASD (Anti-Sluttttt Defense) kick-in fast and

So as the pickup progresses the chances of
them just completley blowing you off all
the sudden, suddenly 'shutting down', not
even returning your phone calls or giving
you a ton of 'last minute resistance' in
bed, increases astronomically.

There is 1 secret to know for making the
'blueprinting' go you can have
it be super simple and easy to close the deal.

Very few folks know about this, so listen
up very carefully.

You want to ensure you *over-use*
the 'Qualification' tactic.

'Qualification' is when you find something
about her that you like (besides her looks!)
and then you say something positive about that,
but then leave her hanging a bit.

For example:

If she says she says anything factual about
herself like "I'm an accountant."

You say, "That's awesome that you're so...
mathematical ... that's turning me on right now..."
(something positive)

Then continue... "But my guess is we'll
last 2 weeks... because by then... you maybe
too nerdy for me." (Leave her hanging)

When' she's blue printing you want to do
this a lot.

When a girl accelerates her
pickup of you... to combat the 'buyers remorse'
her own mind has to have a lot of reasons
why you really like her and why its real.

In other words, when she feels that you
really like her for her ... its ok to act
quickly on her feelings towards you.

There you have it.

The critical secret to not losing girls
that are 'blueprinting' on you.

Now...why am I telling you this?

Because I've been doing a scientific study
for the past three months using Pheromones
and I can emphatically, and empirically,
say that Pheromones dramatically increase
the 'blueprinting effect'.

That's right ... as part of a giant 'secret
phero formula' experiment...I've been wearing
pheros practically every night in-field.

I've been seeing at least 5 times more
blueprinting than normal!

These scientific studies show that exposing
girls to pheromones over about 20+ minutes
makes them super into you.

I'm always wearing them now...every day,
because after getting all these mad results,
I want to make sure I always have these
super powers easily at hand.

Discover An Almost Magic Attraction Trigger Solution!

(Please make sure you have headphones on,
or your in privacy, when the video starts)

For Your Super Simple Success With Women!

P.S. If you are ready to discover something
that is super simple, incredibly powerful
and is easily affordable, then you NEED
to watch this video right now!

Learn About This Life Changing Scientific Discovery <=== Proven Results!

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