Monday, 19 March 2012

don't look at ugly girls like this‏

Ok ok... so everyone loved my friend Nick's 'Becoming

Fearless' report yesterday.

I asked Nick to boil Fearless down into something

easily explained, and here's what he had to say:

"There are six things you do when you're feeling

fear around a woman, and she picks up on those.

Most guys do ok with with 6's and 7's, but when

they're around girls they really like, they start

doing those six things because they're afraid of

screwing it up.

It's really paradoxical. But it's so easy to fix,

because once a guy stops doing those and

starts doing what I teach to do instead, the

results are instant. It's pretty cool."

Damn. Something tells me he practiced that.

But I guess it is his job, and he did create it.

Anyway, everyone was asking what the six

things were, so he put one together about

eye contact and facial expression.

First he's going to show you the eye contact

you make when you're around a woman who

makes you nervous, and why it's such a huge

turnoff for her.

Click here NOW to watch this powerful video.

Then he's going to show you Fearless eye

contact - the stuff that a natural does when

he's not afraid of a really hot women.

The example is crystal clear and you'll

immediately see why such a small thing

makes such a big difference. And you

can go out and do this on the next

women you meet... and the next one

after that... and even women you

already know.

Just don't use it on girls you're not attracted


It's an instant turn on.

Enjoy this,


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