Friday, 23 March 2012

A Quick Contest <=== Easily Win A 200 Dollar Prize‏

Hey There,

I had an idea last night based on the message I
recently sent about my upcoming TV show airing
in Fall of 2012.

Since the show is asking what products I've
sold and still have on the market (Not sure
where there going with that) reminded
me of one of the coolest products I've ever

That being the one and only, original in-field
product...'In-field Exposed'.

Based on my deep appreciation for having the
opportunities I've been lucky enough to have
presented to me...I wanted to present an awesome
opportunity for you!

Therefore, when you go to my current blog post
that provides the full details (What I'm authorized
to release) of my upcoming TV show, and you
post your thoughts about that post, and even
what you would do if given the opportunity
to have a TV show about dating/PUA, and you
could have it look any way YOU wanted...

You'll have the chance of winning one out of
three FREEEEEE COPIES of 'In-Field Exposed!':

Post Your Comments and Thoughts <=== Win Big!

This is normally a $197 product (Although after
they are sold out, I could easily see them being
sold for more in various 'places')...

See What You're Winning <=== Necessary For Your Collection!

I still consider this product as a 'must-have'
for anyone that want's example after example
of what success looks like (and how your
success should also look!)...and you can
win it by simply, and easily, posting your
comments right here:

A Quick Contest <=== Easily Win A 200 Dollar Prize

We will announce the 3 winners on Saturday
around noon at the above blog site!

For Your Success In Live and Love!

Remember, I'll be working with one of the
top production companies in the business, so
there is a good chance that once the current
inventory is gone, there won't be any more

Post Your Comments and Thoughts <=== Win Big!

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