Saturday, 30 March 2013

You Have To See This To Believe It . . .‏

There are many ways, styles, strategies and tactics when it comes to hooking your target and solidifying your close. However, I recently had the chance of watching Nick Spark's very unique and interesting style, and I have to admit, I really enjoyed what he had to share from his specialized arsenal. You see, one of the things that Nick specializes in is non-verbal power communication. I watched one of his infield videos and saw as he caught the eye a girl across the bar....said "Watch this," and then waited patiently for about 90 seconds, then - just as he seemed to predict would happen, she'd made his way over to him and was giving him "please talk to me" eyes. I'd never seen someone just beckon a girl over with their eyes (Trust me, he's nothing special to look at either ;) I was Impressed. Nick was doing some really simple stuff with his facial mannerisms when he asked even questions that normally get you tossed out of a set (I had no idea what he was doing until he pointed it out to me, but then I saw how simple it was, and how effective! Basically, most of Nick's style consisted of stuff like this. Very, very subtle stuff that any guy could easily learn and do, but almost shocking in how effective the results. I'm not going to lie - it's very, very different than the sort of stuff I teach...but I honestly believe you'll want both sets of powerful tools in your go-to 'tool-box'. Anyhow, you know I have no ego around this stuff - and if I think something gets results, I'll use it myself, and I'll highly recommend it to my readers. However, there is a catch, which is that Nick's Infield Insider went so fast when he released it, that it's now out of print. I wouldn't just give you bad news (Not my style). So, the good news, is that if you go to the following page, you can watch an awesome video that lays out his "jedi" mind trick gamepackage. His latest package shows you how to do exactly what he does...easily, simply and definitely step-by-step. I hate doing the 'scarcity thing', but they are limiting this latest offer, and they are more than half way done the 2,400 max, so if you get to this and it's already gone...well...the video is worth watching :) Watch Nick's Super Powerful 'JediMind Tricks' Video: <=== Take Action Today! Definitely take a look, and action, on this video! Always For Your Success In Life and Love, Mehow P.S. Seriously, if you want to take your skills to the next level, or learn some really cool ways to influence the ladies without ever having to open your mouth, then you NEED to get this today. It's going to teach you some AMAZING tricks that any guy can use to do a LOT better with girls and get them throwing themselves at you. They won't understand why they're so attracted to you, because it's all so far under the surface... but they won't really be thinking about that when they're gazing into your eyes and thinking dirty thoughts that I've tought you how to take advantage of (Always in an ethical way!). Watch Nick's Super Powerful 'JediMind Tricks' Video: <=== Take Action Today!

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