Two quick things before I get to giving you guys some heavy duty insight on "optimal game."
First off, our "Accelerated S**ualization" promotion is already 40% sold out.
If you want in on it you need to act NOW
Secondly, the free copy of 10SSA promotion for "Accelerated Sexualization" is running through Thursday at midnight. Not Tuesday. That was a misprint in yesterdays email.
To get your free copy of 10SSA... before its gone Click here NOW
Now let me give you an answer on what "the best" mid game really is.
If you read my 10SSA book you know I discuss 8 different elements there...
For each one I gave you a ton of implementation techniques and I also give you guidelines for how often to use each element. Each element is required
But... what's "the best" element ratio.
After years of watching myself, students, and a great many other top guru's on tape I came to the conclusion that there is no single ... 'best' method.
That seems like an obvious truth but its not.
First off, everybody that's really good uses 10SSA. Two top guys that can be modeled with 10SSA include Hypnotica and Nick Sparks. There are others but I mentioned those names because they are *freaky* good but they have different styles, yet they both can be modeled with 10SSA.
Hypnotica, in what we've seen so far, tends to use a lot of very direct sexual elements along with normal conversation (comfort elements). Touching, qualification, lifestyle and moves are are fairly light. He pretty much uses no attraction elements. Hypnotica does Edge via dominant commands but most of it sub-communicated through his sheer size and presence. He doesn't use many edgy verbals in the 10SSA sense.
Meanwhile, Nick Sparks (his infield footage is insane - we'll get you some more clips and if your an "Insider" your double issue of Nick is on its way) tends to run all his sets with insane sarcasm. He's the penultimate evil clown. His game is 80% edgy verbals which use sarcasm at least half the time, medium use of sexual elements, and small quantities of attraction, touching, comfort, qualification, moves, and just about zero lifestyle.
I tend to be a balance of all of them - I'm the canonical example of what's in the 10SSA book. If i focus more on anything its smooth attraction and edge verbals. That comes from my extensive experience with figuring out how to get girls into me in attraction phase and my natural tendency to want to mess with women. I've been an evil clown since childhood. I got lots of practice on my sisters.
So, why are all these styles so different ...
Although everyone implements the model - the ratio of elements can vary radically as can the techniques employed for each element. For example Nick Sparks is heavy on sarcastic edgy verbals, while Hypnotica doesn't use them at all.
The answer is - some guys are just better at certain techniques than others.
If your silly good at being verbally edgy then you probably don't need to do a bunch of canonical attraction material.
The whole point of 10SSA is to maintain value velocity through the interaction so the techniques you're going to use are simply the ones you are THE BEST AT maintaining your value velocity.
So, when you are infield and you get a good reaction from a certain element/technique combination try to identify what it is that you did and then DO MORE OF IT.
I'll just go out sometimes and do the same things over and over on the same set. You will be amazed how much you can get away with reusing the same technique over and over. Once you do that a bit you can get a feel for how much you can get away with before you really have to do something different.
This is one of the ways you identify your own individual style.
Want to learn more about this straight from me and my ninja coaches?
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