Monday, 19 March 2012

2 Min Article: How To Wing When It's Too Loud‏

Mehow here.

There is a really, really easy way to wing a friend when it is really

loud where you are sarging and difficult to hear each other.

You have to do this differently then the "usual" methods because all

the usual methods rely on you and your wing being able to hear one


For example; When winging with "Are you guys being nice to my friend?"

Everybody, including your wing has to hear you.

I'm going to give you a really easy new opener you can use tonight

when it is too loud.

I call it the "hi5" opener. (you can use this on new girls

too, if you're getting eye contact from the set prior to the opener)

Here is when you use the "hi5" opener...

When your friend successfully opens a group and is both:

1. in "mini-isolation" with a girl: meaning he's talking to just his

target AND

2. the other girls are looking around kind of bored

The above 1+2 phenomenon usually happens anytime it's loud. When its

too loud for all the girls in the set to hear your wing then they will

look around bored for someone to literally come and talk to them.

They are a bit jealous that the new cool guy picked their friend and

not them, so opening them is really easy.

You just approach as per usual dominant Mehow style with a giant

smile, solid eye contact and right when you get to the other girls in

the set you simply "hi5" them and then immediately go into short

attraction material before transitioning to mid game.

The reason this works is the girls just assume that you are a friend

of the guy already talking to them.

So, by acting overly familiar with the obstacles due to the hi5 opener

this sticks all the time.

Try it. I've been doing this "undocumented" style of opening at

bootcamps for years now and it just occurred to me to let you guys

know about b/c I just did this in Boston.

- Mehow

P.S. And what's really cool about this is you can use it on any set

that has any guy (even a total stranger) talking to them and both 1

and 2 above are true.

P.P.S. We just loaded a bunch of new pics into our facebook page -

check em out and like us o facebook :)

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