Hey Guys,
We’ve been getting a lot of success stories around here lately. You know what they say mo success... mo problems. The same thing goes with women.
“Hey Mehow, I’ve just become a student of the Mehow Method and I’m getting a lot of girls coming back to mine but no sxx. We are all over each other in the bedroom but about 1 out of 3 girls just seems to change her mind at the last minute. It’s killin me man!”
Fortunately these are always quality problems. I want to take you guys through a common sticking point that you’ll need to sort out to finally be having sxx with all those stupidly hot women.
For those of you not in the know LMR means Last Minute Resistance and it occurs once you’ve pulled the girl home, the lights are low and things are getting hot.
It’s the moment she pulls away, doesn’t accept your escalation or just seems plain cold to your affections.
Note: No Means No guys and none of us here at Mehow Inc believe you should ever try and force someone into doing something they don’t want to. We believe you should be able to tell the difference between a real no and ‘not yet’.
When bringing a girl back into your house there are some things you can do upfront to instantly make your life easier. The first of these is to change into some more comfortable clothes and then when you see the girl in her club clothes offer her a shirt and shorts or pajamas.
This does a few things for you, firstly it gets the girl out of her tight fitting club clothes and into stuff that’s easy to take off. It also sets the frame she’s spending the night.
The other key thing is to have stuff you’ll need for the sxx in a nightstand next to the bed, nothing kills the mood more then having to get up and go grab a condom as now it seems like it’s really going to happen and the girl starts thinking about it.
Keep lube, condoms, towels etc very nearby. Condoms trigger hard LMR so don’t pull it out till the very last possible moment. When grabbing a condom use common sense and don’t pull it out of a industrial 300 condom package as that will trigger her anti-slvt defense.
But the secret to handling LMR is to:
Here are 4 techniques you can use tonight to do this:
Get Her Horny With Coquetting:
This is pretty obvious but the hornier you get her the less her emotional brain will get engaged and the more her horny animalistic side will come out. When a girl gets stupid horny it will over-ride her LMR and she’ll be down.
The way you do this is by physically escalating for small bits of time then stopping and going back to doing something else (I like watching movies on my bed). For example, you make out for 20 seconds then you stop before she stops you and go back to watching movie for 2 mins. Then you make out again, this time a notch longer, then you stop before she stops you. Then you watch movie for 2 mins. Then you make out intensely and stop. Watch movie. Bite her neck and stop. Watch movie. Make out/bite her neck, stop. Watch movie. Take her top off and make out some more, then stop. etc.
Eventually "the pot boils over."
Flip Her Token Resistance:
This is where she gives you verbal resistance but she doesn’t actually stop you, rather it’s coming from her emotional circuitry, examples of this are:
“We should stop”
“We’re going to fast.”
The way to short circuit this is to flip the script, and have you say these things yourself, especially at the point where you start escalating hardcore e.g. a heavy make out / clothes are starting to come off. i.e. right when you're coquetting you verbalize token resistance to HER before she does it to you.
Note: You aren’t actually stopping you’re just voicing the things her own emotional circuitry is naturally telling her which short circuits the thought process and allows things to continue more smoothly. Most of the time token resistance is started before you get naked.
The key to this is to start giving her token resistance BEFORE she does.
You also never want to attempt to logic a girl into sleeping with you because that will also kill it.
At some point she'll tell you to stop or pull your hands away or give you some other sign that means "NO." This is normal. Always happens. When you are getting resistance from a girl, it’s always better to stop and do a freeze out before she herself verbalizes and tells you to stop. Her telling you is the worse thing and usually she’ll move your hand away or push you off before that point which is when you initialize the freeze out.
So be on the lookout for her physical, non-verbal NOs. The second you detect one you do a freeze-out.
The key with a freeze out is that it can never look like you’re pouting or doing it because she stopped you. To do so would make it seem reactive and ultimately lower your value / turn the girl off. Instead it should seem incidental.
One way to do this is when you get that resistance you just roll over: “I am sooooo sleepy.” Then you just lay there and close your eyes like you’re just really tired. When you do this you remove physical contact from the girl completely and roll off her. Usually the girl will miss the contact and re-initiate, when that happens you can start hooking up with her again.
But always try to be the one that stops her first until she's insanely horny and practically begging you to be insider her.
You can can freeze out as many times as you need to.
“We are not having sxx tonight.”
This is a very common girl line that most guys get but don’t be fooled if you ever hear a girl say to this you should be as excited as Charlie in the Willy Wonka Movie (the old school one with Gene Wilder) when he found his golden ticket. It’s ON.
Handler: “Yea, you’re sleeping on the floor, I’m sleeping on the bed.”
But guess what, the best way to handle this - is to tell this to her "We are not having sxx tonight." when she's getting super, super horny. It should permit her logical mind to allow escalation to continue even more - until she's totally ready and attacks you.
Now get closing!
-Mehow and Dave
P.S. If you want to know what’s causing our increase of success stories then check out this:
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